Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Season 6 - Week 11

Week 11 is in the books which leaves only 3 weeks remaining of CNK’s regular fake football season.  It’s been an eventful past few weeks which has resulted in everyone still being in play for the playoffs, except Riley and Abel of course.  The scoring has been chaotic as the past 2 weeks have seen multiple 200+ point games from teams that haven’t had one in 5+ years.  We’ve also seen the dramatic fall from grace of Lehman and his arch nemesis taking over the #1 spot.  With those 2 essentially assured a spot in the playoffs, which leaves 4 teams fighting for the remaining 2 spots.  This means there probably won’t be much selling at the trade deadline as Abel and Riley don’t have anything to sell and the rest is trying to secure their ticket to the playoffs. 

A couple if quick reminders.  First, there’s 3 games on Thursday (cough, Abel) so don’t forget (cough, Abel) to set your lineup (cough, Abel) before stuffing your face.  Also, don’t forget the trade deadline is on Saturday the 24th and I’m sure at least Kyle and Riley is still up for some wheeling and dealing.  We’re sure Mitch is still looking for that extra 1st round pick as well. 

We realize that the rankings have been on break for the past few weeks but we needed a couple weeks of candy-loading and golfing in FL to get our minds right in preparation for the stretch run.   We wanted to do a quick recap of the past few weeks and preview the remaining slate.  And now, on with the Power Rankings…
Let's get ready for the stretch run boys.

1.       If We’re Using Logic – It seems fitting that Chris has scored the 4th most points in the league this year but now sits atop the standings.  We’re not saying he doesn’t deserve it but 6 out of Chris’s 9 wins were when he posted the lowest winning score of the week.  We tried to rig the standings within Yahoo but he noticed too quickly.  But he’s won 7 in a row and is now almost guaranteed the #1 seed with the easiest finishing schedule (Seth, South, Abel).  With Chris’s ascension to the top of the standings and Lehman’s fall, their relationship has been rockier than usual lately.  Rumor has it Kyle is removing Chris as his emergency pitch consultant. 

Julio started scoring TDs?  Uh oh...

2.       Off Suit 10s – After starting the season on fire winning 8 in a row, Kyle has now lost 3 in a row and drops from the #1 spot for the first time this year.  Another bad sign was that Gurley was spotted entering the Mayo Clinic in southern MN after the MNF game.  It’s been rumored that he’s suffering from some herniated discs in his back from carrying Kyle’s team going back to late last year and it’s finally given up on him.  It might be a good thing he won’t end up with the #1 seed based on how many times he’s added/dropped Larry Fitzgerald this year.  He’d probably have a hard time deciding on who to choose as his matchup.  He’ll have to make due this week without Gurley against Mitch or risk falling further in the standings, which is not how he wins that set of steak knives. 

I did my best Kyle, tell that bum Gurley to step it up.

3.       Rollin’ 4 Deep – Despite mixed results the past few weeks, Finken has managed to stay atop the #3-4 seed battle royal by taking down Lehman this week.  Like Riley’s WR corps to start the season, he had 4 guys over 30 and posted his first 200 point game since 2014.  And now he won’t have to worry about Bell reporting and making his Conner stock worth less than Nebraska bowl game tickets.  With a 1 game lead and Riley on deck, he’ll probably only need to win one of his matchups with Mitch and Seth to close out the season and secure a playoff berth.  At least he has a chance at a title, it doesn't too promising for his Eagles.

Don't care, won the Super Bowl.

4.       Play It Backwards – If we were to name a disappointment of the year, it’d have to be PIB at this point.  Your humble moderators assumed that he would’ve sliced thru this league early this year like Cedar Falls thru his Indians.  Although he’s has underperformed, he’s still in good position to make the playoffs with the 3rd highest points and a game against Riley left.  However, he probably needs to beat either Kyle or Finken to punch his ticket.  But with Mariota and Trubisky dinged up and Alex Smith getting Theisman’d, he might have to get creative at the QB spot.   Otherwise he’ll be left with scouting which WR he’ll be taking with the 3rd pick. 

I've only been able to carry you so far this year Mitch. 

5.       Ah It’s Early – Seth has kept himself afloat by taking down the other three bottom half teams over the past three weeks.  But the schedule is about to flip as he’s staring down by far the hardest path to the playoffs with Chris, Kyle and Finken remaining, a stretch in which he went 0-3 earlier this year.  Plus he’ll have to get it done against Lazer next week without Mahomes.  But if there’s one thing Seth knows how to do, it’s spank a Lansink (What?  We’ll keep in PG for now…)

As always, Seth owns the Lansink family belt.

6.       Fuck It Three – Much like his blood sugar level, South’s season has been quite the roller coaster.  Despite a new injury each week (RIP Kerryon), he’s still in play for the last playoff spot but he has to get through Chris and Kyle first.  And like we mentioned about Seth earlier, Garrett was 0-2 in blowout matchups against those teams earlier this season.  Luckily his big bye week is against Abel next week where he won’t have Goff, Hill or Kelce.  Once again, things just working out for Garrett in the end. 

I'm going to lose Garrett so much money this year.

7.       Smells Low – In an ode to his frat days, Riley got his sh*t pushed in this week by South.  DThomas posted a goose egg and he had 5 other players in single digits.  What’s incredible is just one week ago, Riley posted a 202 and took down the defending champ, which was the only time this year he’s scored over 163.  He’s got the opportunity to play spoiler to close the season with matchups against Finken and Mitch.  He and Abel already have the #1 pick series locked up so he might as well try to salvage some dignity.  Well, as much as anyone can that driving that van.

It's cold and flu season, be careful when around Riley.

8.       I’m Out – It finally happened.  Abel started an inactive player (Marvin Jones) and posted the 5th lowest total score in the history of the league.  South, make sure you get the number for Dominos ready when we all show up to draft.

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