Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Seeason 6 - Week 7 Halloween Rankings

Week 7 is done and half the season is over. A few of us are at the top of our game, like Freddy Kruger at a sleepover, and some of us are on more of the Hocus Pocus side of scary things. Kyle stays unbeaten after destroying Southy this week, and Abel keeps his beaten streak alive. Not much changed with the playoff picture this week, but week 8 could make up for that. Week 8 could start to shine some light on the playoff picture, as the top 4 play the bottom 4.    

While Finken is in Florida playing Deliverance and Southy is downloading his boob gifs on to a password encrypted hard drive, they told the humble OS10s he could throw together some rankings. In the spirit of Halloween I have given everyone's team a scary-o-meter ranking (trademarked)


Off Suit 10s - Every week you ask yourself the same thing OS10s asks himself. How the hell is this happening? Well folks, it's easy to set your line up when you have the #1 RB, WR, and TE. OS10s bench hasn't been tested yet, but the fact that Kyle only has gray balls AP and Doug Martin as backup RBs, well that is scary. Don't expect anything to change in week 9 rankings as OS10s gets a bye in week 8.

 Scary-o-Meter: IT the clown
Kyle waving to everyone from the top of the standings.

Rollin' 4 Deep - R4D is on a 3 game win streak and the arrow is pointing up as Barkley tries to do his best Bortles impression in garbage time. The biggest question mark on this team is Le'Veon Bell, will he finally show his face in Pittsburgh or just keep hanging out on Southy’s bench all season. R4D has a rematch with FIT this week, and a win would put some separation between the top 4 and bottom 4 teams. 

Scary-o-Meter: Regan MacNeil (Exorcist)
Finken after Nebraska won this weekend.

If We're Using Logic - I wanted to put PIB in this spot, but Chris does have the better record and well, he's old. On a serious note, Chris is on a 3 game winning streak and averaging 165+ points per week during that time. If Julio and OBJ can start catching TDs this team becomes the team Chris was dreaming about at the beginning of the season.

Scary-o-Meter: Freddy Krueger 
Lansink after OBJ scores a TD.

Play it Backwards - PIB got a much needed win this week after losing two in a row. Mitch and Seth square off in Week 8, with big standings implications. A win by PIB puts the top 4 in control of things moving forward, and digs a major hole for Seth. The good news for PIB, AJ Green is the only significant player he has left with a bye. 

Scary-o-Meter: Michael Myers
When you find out that you made the playoffs......

but then you find out you have to drive to Cedar Falls.

Ah It's Early - Seth has lost 3 in a row and us dug himself into a deep (long) hole. Hopefully Cooper will be resurrected in Dallas, but it is doubtful for old stone hands. Seth needs Arizona to stop being so ridiculous and just run the damn ball with DJ, that would solve a lot of this teams issues. It's Early has a big game this week and has an opportunity to right the ship vs. PIB. 

Scary-o-Meter: Gremlins
Seth watching the AZ game updates. 

Fuck It Three - FIT has the plague. I don't know what kind: black, bubonic, septicemic, pneumonic, white, tan, orange, or just the regular one you get by sitting on a public toilet, but this team has it. Sony, Bell, McKinnon, Warren III, Cook, the list goes on and on he just can't catch a break, well it is about damn time. Two loses in a room for FIT has him in 6th place and staring at an uphill battle for a playoff spot. If he wants a chance, this team has to win this weekend. 

Scary-o-Meter: Beetlejuice
Southy waiting for the injury report every week.

Smells Low -  Riley hasn't made a trade in a few days, I hope he is ok. 

Scary-o-Meter - Nightmare Before Christmas
When Riley sees the text notification pop up with a trade offer.

I'm Out -  Abel can't win, literally he can't win. This week was worse though, the Gophers didn't win either. Destroying everyone's hopes of Nebraska continuing to lose and for America to win. 

Scary-o-Meter: Hocus Pocus 

Abel watching Minnesota on Saturday. 

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